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Group participants, click here (requires group name and password).

Leadership Styles Analysis
Participants read 30 short cases each describing a leader faced with a decision to make. In each case, the person is asked to choose from a set of five leadership styles the specific style that they would use if faced with making that decision.

The participant's 30 choices to these cases provide the basis for a personalized 12-page detailed report comparing the participant's choices with his or her peers as well as with a comparison group of managers. The selected comparison group is from a database of over 200,000 people. In addition, the participant’s choices are compared with the normative model which purports to predict the consequences of each choice based on available scientific evidence. The choices are also evaluated in terms of their effectiveness, the quality of decisions made, the implementation of these decisions, their time efficiency, and their contribution to the development of team members.

Since the 30 cases are varied in accordance with a sophisticated experimental design, it is possible for the report to show graphically the factors that influence each person’s choices, including any that were overlooked. The report concludes with an individualized set of recommendations concerning ways to improve effectiveness.

This leadership assessment tool is suitable for use by students and managers at all levels. It has been prominently employed in companies' corporate training programs, including those at GE, American Express, AT&T, and Pfizer. Many universities use this technology in their MBA and executive education programs, including Cornell, Stanford, Tulane, and Yale.

The cases may be answered on-line or on hard copy. When answers are provided in hard copy form, the answer sheet can be scanned and sent for processing to Decision Making for Leaders. The leadership reports which are generated from these answers are typically stored for subsequent use in a training program.

The assessment devices and leadership profile have been translated into Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Danish, German, Polish, Spanish, and Swedish. DMFL is only offered via a certified trainer. Contact us to be put in touch with a trainer in your area or inquire about becoming a trainer.

Expert System

Expert System is the culmination of size independent validity studies. These studies supported the idea of a normative model and pointed to ways in which the validity of the model could be increased. This was accomplished b Professors Vroom and Jago by increasing the complexity of the exercise.

Expert System also includes information on the taxonomy of leadership styles, definitions, and samples of the situational factors, the logic and equations underlying the normative model, and a bibliography of research on which the model is based.

Expert System is program which enables a person to use the Vroom decision-making model on their own problems. It is available as a CD-Rom or can be used interactively on this website. In addition to explanations of the model and its scientific basis, the computer program enables a person to analyze a specific decision which he or she faces on eleven dimensions relevant to choosing the most effective style. On completing the analysis, the person can access a bar graph revealing the relative effectiveness of each of the five styles for that decision.

To purchase Expert System, contact us.

Additional Information
Academic Discount: 50 percent discount on all materials and computer processing over $100 used in programs conducted in non-profit organizations and universities

Government Discount: 50 percent discount on all materials and computer processing over $100 used in programs conducted for managers in federal, state, and local governments

Quantity Discounts available

For inquiries, orders and discounts contact Julia Francis by telephone at (203) 458-9335 or by email at julia@decisionmakingforleaders.com.

Payment may be made through Pay Pal or checks made out to Decision Making for Leaders and mailed as follows:

Decision Making for Leaders
229 Leetes Island Road
Guilford, CT 06437-3027 USA