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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I am totally unfamiliar with Decision Making for Leaders but have heard good things about it from a colleague. How can I learn more about it?
A: Contact us, and we can send you one or more articles from refereed scientific journals describing the research underlying the Vroom model and its use in training and development and put you in touch with a qualified trainer.

Q: I have scheduled a training session for 18 managers and prefer that managers answer questions in hard copy form. How do I get the reports processed?
A: Wait until you get all or most of the answer sheets back from your participants and send them to Decision Making for Leaders either by e-mail or fax. Please stipulate the date of the program and allow at least seven days for processing, unless prior arrangements have been made. Please specify peer and/or comparison groups against which each manager is to be compared. The options include 1) the other managers in the same group (the most common comparison for groups over 15 people); 2) All managers from the same company or organization (possible if we have collected data on several groups from the same organization); or 3) sets of managers classified by level, industry, or nationality. The results will be sent back to you by e-mail in a file which should be printed in color.

Q: What is the cost of this processing?
A: The cost per participant varies depending on the trainer and the number of participants. Contact us for pricing or to be put in touch with a trainer.

Q: Do I also have to pay for reproducing the participant materials?
A: No. The participant materials are included in the cost of processing as long as you do the duplication.

Q: What is a "Doe" file, and how would I use it?
A: For demonstration purposes, we will select one case from the set of managers for illustration purposes. The case is carefully chosen to illustrate some qualities shared by most of the managers. The name is removed and replaced with "J. Doe." This file can be printed and made into transparencies or projected onto a screen from a computer.

Q: What happens if there are late registrants to my program or participants miss the deadline for processing?
A: If there is still time before the reports are needed and/or special arrangements have been made, the late report(s) can be added to the original group and additional files sent electronically for printing. Normally, such requests can be accommodated with no problem.

Q: Do you offer discounts?
A: Yes, substantial reductions are available for groups where all participants are enrolled in university programs and for managers in government or non-profit organizations. Contact julia@decisionmakingforleaders.com for details.

Q: Do you accept credit cards?
A: Yes, we use Paypal to process orders online safely and securely. Payment may also be made by check or transferred electronically by wire transfer.

Q: I am a university professor planning to conduct a program for a corporate client. Do I qualify for the educational discount?
A: No.

Q: I am a consultant and wish to use the materials in work with a non-profit organization. Do I qualify for the non-profit discount?
A: Yes.